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Diabetes and Statin Drugs

Taking statin drugs can be a cause of developing diabetes. Recent, large clinical studies were performed which showed the significant link between major statin drugs to a significant increase in the development of diabetes in a patient.  The analysis of 13 statin drugs found a statistically significant increase in the risk of developing diabetes. Lipitor, a statin drug, was found to be the one with the highest percentage of risk to cause diabetes in patients.  There were experiments on statin drugs conducted so that more people will use it for primary prevention. While it has its benefits, statin drugs are also proving very risky for developing diabetes, and it is a topic of controversy at present.


People need to understand that the cause of diabetes is a bodily process known as insulin resistance. The question now is whether statin drugs cause or worsen insulin resistance in a person. The possible actions may include decrease in physical activity due to statin-induced muscle aches, possible effect of statin on muscles to worsen insulin resistance or decrease in vitamin D level. Find out more about this when you review the site at Insulin resistance increases in the body when the levels of vitamin D are low.


When there is high insulin resistance in the body, it does not only cause diabetes but it also helps in advancing cancer in patients. Diabetes is a disease of disabling chronic complications and to name a few of them we have kidney failure, blindness or leg amputation. The risk of coronary artery disease can also be traced to a person's having diabetes. Added data about this are displayed at If you are at risk of diabetes using statin drugs, then this means that you are also at risk of developing other diseases and it makes us wonder if these drugs are beneficial at all.


When these drugs are taken it often causes various side effects.  One of the common side effects of statin drugs is that it produces muscle aches which makes a patient lessen physical activity. There are other more serious side effects caused by statin drugs and these are either kidney failure or liver failure.


What is of vital importance is to recognize the fact that if insulin resistance is increased in a person it not only increases risk of developing diabetes but the person is at risk of developing heart disease as well. The progression of cancer can also be attributed to worsening insulin resistance which is a result of taking statin drugs. You can read more about this by checking details in the given link. The real issue that has to be looked into is to find a cure for insulin resistance because it is the major culprit in many very serious diseases.


Taking in statin drugs for medication is ultimately dependent on the physician and his patient. Prescribing physicians are responsible to educate a patient on the benefits and risks or taking statin drugs and allow the patient to decide on the matter. This is a medical best practice to educate a patient before letting them make a decision.

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